The Most Powerful
Platform for Validators

Highly Performant Infrastructure, Tooling And Dashboards - All In One

Choose your protocol.

Deploy your node.

Edgevana Pro is the one-stop destination for advanced crypto operators. Designed for developers optimized for rewards.

Launch Node

Set Up and Optimize Your Node

$ ssh user@edgevana-solana-server

user@'s password:

user@solana-server:~$ sudo -i 

[sudo] password for user:


root@solana-server:~# ansible-playbook solana_deploy.yml > deploy.logs
root@solana-server:~# tail -f ./deploy.logs

PLAY [Deploy Solana]
PLAY [Deploy Solana] ***********************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************

ok: [solana_nodes]
TASK [Ensure Solana is installed] **********************************************

changed: [solana_nodes]
PLAY [Deploy Solana] ***********************************************************
TASK [Configure Solana] ********************************************************

changed: [solana_nodes]

Monitor Rewards

Manage your Validators, Monitor node behavior and improve performance from a single command center

Network Effect

With more locations than anyone, Edgevana provides the software to deploy highly performant validators globally.

Make your Crypto work for you

Get Help
When You Need It

We have actual humans ready to give you support, 24 hours a day, every day of the week.
Why is my skip rate increasing?
How can I help you today?